March 19, 1992

183. Carpe Diem, Seize The Day

I always think, my dear,
Of Carpe Diem, seize the day;
That what if tonight I should pass on,
And not be there for you with the dawn.
I want you to know, my dear,
That deep in my heart I am sure
That when the black shroud comes for me,
I will fight with my might and wit,
For I’ll want to stay with you.
Once I had very little, so life meant almost nothing,
But now life is so precious because I spend it with you.
So, should fate ever take me away,
Remember, my love, you must seize the day.
I’m really not sure why I’m telling you this,
But maybe someday we’ll both understand why.
My love will be with you always, even after I die.
When the summer breeze kisses your face,
My lips will always be with yours.
When you see a beautiful winter sunset,
My eyes will be looking back at you.
When you read my words,
My love will be sitting beside you.
Just sit quietly once in a while and remember me.
While you are thinking, look over your left shoulder,
For should some will of God take me from you in life,
If there is any possible way in life’s beyond,
I will struggle and fight to be standing behind you,
Pushing you onward and giving you love
For the rest of your life and even far beyond.......

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