January 12, 1997

299. The Moments We've Already Shared.......

Quietly I search my mind
For visions long forgotten
So that I may look upon
Every instance that we have shared--
To relive every second again
So that I may cherish once more
The idle days and the beautiful sunsets,
The warm simmer breezes,
The crashing of the waves at our feet,
And each one of your joyous smiles.
My only worry as with each day passes,
As you and I grow closer together,
Is that we will forget each of our moments
     in the past,
For is not it true that each moment is precious?
So know, my love, that when I stand at your side,
Gazing with you into our future,
The sometimes absent stare in my eyes,
Is only me cherishing the moments we've already shared.

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