October 24, 1993

253. Open My Heart

Darkness envelopes my room like a shroud,
My tear-filled eyes straining to see these very words.
Light is virtually absent as I dream of what could have been.
Hundreds upon hundreds of what if’s
Flutter violently through my mind,
Each one a brilliant portrait of you.
Sitting quietly in my own dark abyss,
This new-dawning day is but two hours old,
Yet, it is only another day in another way.
And sadly, this is how it’s always been.
This infinite abyss about my shallow frame
Could hold such beauty in its visage--
A quiet room with a view of all the world--
Yet, on this night, it is empty of life.
This dying heart that swells deep in my soul
Seems to build up such a wondrous love,
But why, oh why, is it that
No matter how beautiful my love is,
Not a soul comes to open my heart?
No one wishes to give it a chance to love!
As this heart that tries to reach out,
                                tries to give so much,
Is torn apart by such a horrid loneliness
Just an instant before it finds a true love,
Tears begin to fall down into the darkness
From eyes that see not a single thing
        in all this world’s many wonders
But the gorgeous beauty in love’s potent desires.
I ask of nothing more than love,
        yet the question is never answered,
Only to leave me wandering a life-time long,
Searching for dreams never to be dreamt...
For if happiness is life,
And life is nothing but pain,
Pain will be conquered only by love,
Leaving me to journey beyond world’s end,
Fighting back the pain and all its tears.......

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