May 25, 1993

238. The Boy In The Audience

There you are up on that stage,
Where you’ve always dreamt you’d be.......
The spotlight’s on you,
All eyes at the mercy of your glance,
But I ask you, what greatness
Do you think you truly hold?
You stand on this stage with a boy.......
A boy who has chased you for years,
Singing a love song to each other,
You, the words meaning little,
Only a ticket to the stage,
And to him, the words are the world,
As he awaits the “act” of kissing you in the end.
But let’s now look off the stage
And focus the spotlight on a second boy.......
This boy feels the words of the love song
       Being sung to you;
He hides tears with each little word,
Watching the girl he truly loves
Standing in her spotlight with another.
Such pain it must cause him
To watch a rival for your love
Sing to you whole-heartedly on the stage.
And only to make the story
       Even more bitter than its cold visage
Is the fact that you know
What pain it causes the boy you  “love”
To see you with another,
Yet the stage means more to you
Than the true-to-life love you trample on.......

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